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Planning Board Minutes 05/29/07
Public Meeting
Tuesday, May 29, 2007 @  4:30 p.m.
Town Hall


Present:  Rich Osnoss, Chairman; Billy Meegan, John Flender, Janet Weidner, Russell Walton, Tim Lasker, Mitchell Posin, Christina Soulagnet, Admin. Assistant
Absent:   None
Guests:   Chuck Hodgkinson, Blair and Diane Emin, Glen Provost, David Handlin,
   Riggs Parker, Frank Fenner, Andy Goldman, Warren Doty and Rick Anderson.   

Call to Order:
Mr. Osnoss opened the meeting at 4:33 p.m.

The April 30, 2007 Middle Line Road Community Housing Program Public Hearing Minutes were approved as amended.

The May 7, 2007 Middle Line Road Community Housing Program Cont. Public Hearing Minutes were approved as amended.

The May 14, 2007 Meeting Minutes were tabled and will be reviewed at the next Planning Board Meeting.

Middle addressStreetLine Road Community Housing Program:
The Planning Board members discussed the exact wording of the Planning Board statement to the placeMartha's Vineyard Commission for the MVC Cont. Public Hearing on May 31, 2007.  The motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved the following statement, "The Chilmark Planning Board urges the placeMartha's Vineyard Commission to approve the Middle Line Road Community Housing Program Preliminary Plan (Form B) as presented.  The Board is confident that any outstanding issues will be addressed during the Form C application process."  Christina to fax this statement to the placeMartha's Vineyard Commission.

Mr. Osnoss read the memo from the Board of Health dated May 29, 2007, which stated the Board of Health is receptive to any Title V compliant system designs the engineers present.  
In addition, the Board of Health is open to the benefits of system sharing and will accept viable options, such as placement of multiple septic systems on one lot in order to involve better soils.

PB Meeting Minutes                                       -  2  -                                   May 29, 2007

Blair & Diane Emin - Map 13, placeLot 10.3
Mr. Osnoss read aloud the letter from Diane & Blair Emin, which stated they would like to obtain a building permit, however, the Town restricted them from building on their property until the road (Middle Line Road) was brought up to specifications.  The Emin's provided the Board with documentation dating back to 1985.  Mr. Osnoss stated that the Members need time to read through all the information to better understand the situation.   A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved for each Member to receive a set of the Emin documents.  A set of the documents was given to each Member for their review in preparation for the continued discussion at our next Planning Board Meeting on June 11, 2007.

Meadow Wood Farms L.L.C - Map 19 placeLot 53 - 56
Rick Anderson came before the Planning Board for an informal meeting.  Mr. Anderson was inquiring about building a caretaker's house and gatehouse on an existing subdivision.  He was requesting to move pre-existing building envelopes, not lot lines.  The Board noted that there is a Conservation Restriction on the property and advised Mr. Anderson to meet with the Conservation Commission.  The Board Members informed Mr. Anderson that a caretaker's house and gatehouse are secondary/accessory buildings to a main house and is required that the property owner own the land for a minimum of five (5) years before building can begin.  Furthermore, the main house needs to be built first.  Mr. Walton read aloud "Permitted Uses", Zoning By-Law 4.1.  Mr. Anderson proposed building a carriage house with no plumbing and asked if that would be permitted.  The Planning Board suggested he meet with the Building Inspector.
Mr. Osnoss reviewed, approved and signed the Tom Bracken invoice (Bigelow Application).
Members reviewed, approved and signed the Cottle ANR letter to Town Clerk.
Members reviewed, approved and signed the Bigelow ANR letter to Town Clerk.

June 11, 2007           Planning Board Meeting @ 4:30 p.m.

June 11, 2007           Land Use Planning Committee (LUPC) Meeting @ 5:30 p.m.
                       Commissioner's Building in Oak Bluffs

June 14, 2007           placeMartha's Vineyard Commission Meeting on MLR @ 7:30 p.m.
                        Commissioner's Building in Oak Bluffs

There was no other business.  Meeting adjourned at 6:34 p.m.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Christina Soulagnet, Administrative Assistant